Caribou is a species of deer found in North America.

They are also known as reindeer in Europe and Asia.

Caribou are well-adapted to cold environments with thick fur and hooves that act like snowshoes.

They have a unique migration pattern, covering large distances in search of food.

Both male and female caribou grow antlers, with males having larger and more elaborate ones.

Caribou antlers are shed and regrown annually.

During the rutting season, males engage in fierce battles for mating rights.

Caribou are herbivores, primarily feeding on lichens, grasses, and shrubs.

Their population size can fluctuate dramatically due to factors like predation, disease, and environmental changes.

Caribou are an integral part of the culture and livelihoods of many indigenous peoples in the Arctic region.

They have specialized noses that warm the air before it enters their lungs, helping them survive in frigid temperatures.

Caribou are excellent swimmers and can cross rivers and lakes during their migrations.

The Porcupine Caribou herd is one of the largest and most well-known caribou herds in North America.

Climate change poses a threat to caribou populations as it affects their habitats and food sources.

Caribou calves are born in the spring, and their mothers provide strong maternal care.

They are known for their distinctive clicking sound, which helps them communicate and stay together in low-visibility conditions.

Caribou have a keen sense of smell, which helps them detect predators from a distance.

In some regions, caribou are domesticated and used for transportation and as a source of meat and milk.

The coat of caribou changes color with the seasons, providing camouflage in snowy landscapes.

Caribou are preyed upon by wolves, bears, and sometimes humans.

The caribou population in certain areas has been affected by industrial development, leading to concerns about conservation.

Caribou play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems in the Arctic and subarctic regions.

They are known for their agility and speed, which helps them evade predators.

Caribou are social animals and often form large herds during migration.

In some cultures, caribou are considered sacred and are central to traditional ceremonies and folklore.

Caribou have adapted to a diet that includes various types of vegetation, depending on the season.

The decline in caribou populations has prompted conservation efforts and research to understand the factors affecting their numbers.

Caribou are associated with the festive season in various cultures, symbolizing joy and abundance.

They have specialized features in their eyes that allow them to see well in low light conditions, aiding them in their nocturnal activities.

Caribou are known for their endurance, as they can travel long distances without resting.

The conservation of caribou habitats is essential for ensuring the survival of these iconic creatures.

Caribou have been featured in various myths and legends, reflecting their cultural significance.

The migration of caribou is a spectacle that attracts nature enthusiasts and researchers alike.