Red pandas are small mammals native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China.

They are also known as lesser pandas, fire foxes, and red bear-cats.

Red pandas belong to their own family called Ailuridae.

Their scientific name is Ailurus fulgens.

Red pandas have a distinctive appearance with reddish-brown fur, a bushy tail, and a white face with markings.

They have a unique false thumb, an extension of the wrist bone, which helps in gripping bamboo and other objects.

Red pandas are primarily herbivores, with bamboo making up the majority of their diet.

They also eat fruits, berries, acorns, insects, and occasionally small mammals and birds.

Red pandas are skilled climbers and spend a significant amount of time in trees.

They have semi-retractable claws and can rotate their ankles to descend trees headfirst.

Red pandas are crepuscular, being most active during dawn and dusk.

They have a keen sense of smell, which they use for communication and locating food.

Red pandas communicate with each other through various vocalizations, including squeaks, whistles, and huff-quacks.

They are solitary animals, except during the breeding season and when caring for cubs.

Red pandas are territorial and use scent markings to establish and defend their territories.

The gestation period for red pandas is about 112 to 158 days.

Females give birth to one to four cubs, with two being the most common.

Red panda cubs are born with a grayish coat and develop their adult coloration later.

They stay in the nest for about 90 days before becoming more independent.

Red pandas have a lifespan of around 8 to 10 years in the wild, and longer in captivity.

Their natural predators include snow leopards and martens.

Red pandas are listed as endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect their habitats and promote breeding programs.

They are important for maintaining the balance of ecosystems by controlling bamboo growth.

Red pandas have a slow metabolism, and their diet provides them with low energy.

They have a vocalization called a 'twitter' during the mating season.

Red pandas have a thick, bushy tail that helps them maintain balance in trees and acts as a blanket for warmth.

Their fur-covered soles protect them from cold and act as natural snowshoes.

Red pandas have a low reproductive rate, and captive breeding programs aim to increase their numbers.

They are sometimes kept in zoos as part of international breeding programs for conservation.

Red pandas are shy and elusive, making them challenging to spot in the wild.

Their conservation status highlights the importance of protecting their habitats and raising awareness.

Red pandas are often featured in folklore and cultural stories in their native regions.

They are distant relatives of giant pandas but belong to a different family.