Lemurs are primates native to the island of Madagascar.

They belong to the infraorder Lemuriformes.

Lemurs are known for their diverse and unique adaptations to Madagascar's ecosystems.

These primates have a specialized toothcomb for grooming and a moist nose.

Lemurs have large, expressive eyes and a keen sense of smell.

They exhibit a wide range of sizes, from the tiny mouse lemur to the large indri.

Lemurs are arboreal, spending most of their time in trees.

They are social animals, often living in groups called troops.

Lemurs have a diverse diet that includes fruits, leaves, insects, and flowers.

They are known for their distinctive vocalizations, including calls and songs.

Lemurs are territorial, and territories are marked through scent-marking and vocalizations.

They are unique to Madagascar and nearby Comoros islands.

Lemurs play a crucial role in seed dispersal and pollination in their ecosystems.

They have a relatively short gestation period, usually around 120 to 150 days.

Lemurs give birth to live young, and offspring are typically well-developed at birth.

They have a grooming behavior that helps in maintaining social bonds within the group.

Lemurs are susceptible to habitat loss and hunting, leading to some species being endangered.

They have a specialized stomach that allows them to digest plant material efficiently.

Lemurs exhibit a wide variety of locomotion styles, including leaping, climbing, and quadrupedalism.

They have a tapetum lucidum in their eyes, enhancing night vision.

Lemurs are known for their unique and intricate courtship rituals.

They have a wide range of coat colors and patterns, varying between species.

Lemurs are capable of making impressive leaps between trees.

They are considered a flagship species for Madagascar's conservation efforts.

Lemurs are known to enter a state of torpor during cold nights to conserve energy.

They have scent glands on their wrists used for marking territory and social communication.

Lemurs are important for scientific research in understanding primate evolution.

They are featured in Malagasy folklore and cultural traditions.

Lemurs are characterized by a long, bushy tail, which aids in balance and communication.

They have a relatively short lifespan, with most species living up to 15 to 25 years.

Lemurs have been found to use tools, such as sticks, for various purposes.

They are known for their agility and acrobatic movements in the treetops.

Lemurs are part of ongoing conservation projects to protect their natural habitats.

They are a unique and irreplaceable part of Madagascar's biodiversity.