Sharks are cartilaginous fish.

There are over 500 species of sharks.

The largest shark is the whale shark.

Sharks have been around for millions of years.

Great white sharks are known for their powerful jaws.

Sharks play a crucial role in marine ecosystems.

Some species of sharks can swim at incredible speeds.

Hammerhead sharks have distinctive flattened heads.

Sharks have a highly developed sense of smell.

Sharks have multiple rows of teeth.

Not all sharks are carnivorous; some are filter feeders.

Sharks can detect electrical fields in the water.

Sharks give birth to live young in some species.

Some sharks lay eggs.

Shark finning is a major threat to shark populations.

Sharks have a unique skeletal structure.

Megalodon was one of the largest sharks in history.

Sharks are found in both saltwater and freshwater.

Sharks are apex predators in many ecosystems.

Sharks are essential for maintaining ocean balance.

The skin of sharks feels like sandpaper.

Sharks can go through thousands of teeth in their lifetime.

Some sharks are bioluminescent.

Sharks are more vulnerable than ferocious.

Sharks have a sixth sense called the lateral line.

Shark embryos can cannibalize each other in the womb.

Sharks are vital to ecotourism.

Shark attacks on humans are relatively rare.

Sharks have an incredible immune system.

Sharks have been featured in many cultural myths.

Sharks play a crucial role in balancing marine food chains.

Sharks have a slow reproductive rate.

Sharks are threatened by overfishing and habitat loss.

Some species of sharks are endangered.

Sharks have survived several mass extinctions.

Sharks are highly adapted to their environments.

Sharks have amazing navigational abilities.

Sharks have specialized hunting techniques.