Wasps are flying insects with slender bodies and narrow waists.

They belong to the order Hymenoptera, which also includes bees and ants.

Wasps can be predatory or parasitic, depending on the species.

Many wasps play a crucial role in controlling insect populations.

Social wasps, like yellowjackets, form colonies with a queen and workers.

Solitary wasps, like mud daubers, live and hunt alone.

Wasps have two pairs of wings and six legs.

Their bodies are often brightly colored, with black and yellow patterns being common.

Most wasps are carnivorous, feeding on other insects and spiders.

Some wasps are also attracted to sugary substances and can be seen around sweet foods.

Wasps are important pollinators, especially in the case of figs.

Many wasps are equipped with a venomous sting for self-defense and hunting.

Stinging wasps can release pheromones to alert others to attack a perceived threat.

Some wasps, like hornets, build paper nests by chewing wood and mixing it with saliva.

Other species of wasps, such as mud daubers, construct nests from mud.

The life cycle of a wasp includes egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages.

The queen lays eggs, and the workers take care of the larvae and maintain the nest.

Wasps are known for their distinctive flight patterns, often described as jerky or erratic.

In late summer, new queens and males are produced, and mating occurs.

Fertilized queens seek shelter to overwinter, while the rest of the colony typically dies.

Wasps can be beneficial in agriculture by controlling pests that harm crops.

Some wasps are parasitoids, laying eggs on or inside other insects.

Paper wasps are known for their open, umbrella-shaped nests attached to surfaces.

Yellowjackets build underground nests or use pre-existing cavities for their colonies.

Wasps are sensitive to certain chemicals, making them useful indicators of environmental health.

Certain species of wasps are considered pests, especially when they build nests near human activity.

Unlike honeybees, wasps can sting repeatedly without dying.

In some cultures, wasps are symbols of good luck, while in others, they represent danger.

Wasps are found in various habitats, from forests and meadows to urban areas.

While some wasps are aggressive, many are not interested in human interactions if left undisturbed.