Swans are large waterfowl.

They belong to the family Anatidae.

Swans are known for their long necks and graceful appearance.

They are found on lakes, rivers, and coastal waters around the world.

Swans are monogamous and often mate for life.

A male swan is called a cob, and a female is called a pen.

They are social birds and often form flocks, especially during migration.

Swans communicate using vocalizations, including trumpeting sounds.

They have a wingspan that can range from 7 to 10 feet.

Swans are strong flyers, capable of long-distance migration.

They are herbivores, feeding on aquatic plants and grasses.

Swans use their long necks to reach underwater vegetation.

They build large nests made of reeds, grasses, and feathers.

Swans lay a clutch of 3 to 8 eggs, and both parents participate in incubation.

Cygnets are the term for baby swans.

Swans are known for their aggressive behavior during nesting season.

They can be territorial and defend their nesting area vigorously.

Swans can live for over 20 years in the wild.

They have a layer of down feathers that keep them buoyant in the water.

Swans are featured in various myths, fairy tales, and folklore.

Mute swans are known for their orange bills and black knobs.

Black swans have black plumage and red bills.

Tundra swans have a distinctive black beak and are known for their migration.

Swans undergo a molt, during which they temporarily lose flight feathers.

They are susceptible to lead poisoning from ingesting lead fishing tackle.

Swans are often associated with elegance and beauty.

They can sleep while floating on the water or standing on one leg.

Swans have excellent eyesight, allowing them to detect predators from a distance.

They are vulnerable to pollution in their habitats.

Swans are a symbol of love and fidelity in many cultures.

They are commonly kept in ponds and lakes for ornamental purposes.

Swans are protected by law in many countries.

They have a trachea that allows them to produce a trumpet-like sound.

Swans are known for their synchronized swimming in pairs or groups.