Owls are birds of prey, belonging to the order Strigiformes.

There are around 220 species of owls distributed worldwide.

Owls are known for their large eyes, which are adapted for low light conditions.

They have a flat, disc-shaped face called a facial disk that helps funnel sound to their ears.

Owls are masters of silent flight, thanks to specialized wing feathers that reduce noise.

They are nocturnal, meaning they are primarily active during the night.

The ability to rotate their heads up to 270 degrees allows owls to have a wide field of vision.

Owls have excellent hearing, with some species capable of hearing frequencies as high as 20,000 Hz.

Barn owls have heart-shaped facial disks, while other species may have round or oval shapes.

Owls regurgitate pellets containing undigested bones, fur, and other indigestible parts of their prey.

The snowy owl is well-adapted to cold climates and has thick, insulating feathers.

They have strong talons for catching and grasping prey.

Owls have a zygodactyl foot structure, with two toes facing forward and two facing backward.

The great horned owl is one of the most widespread and powerful owl species.

Owls are carnivorous and feed on a variety of prey, including rodents, birds, and insects.

Their eyes are fixed in their sockets, so owls need to turn their heads to change their field of vision.

The elf owl is the smallest owl species, measuring around 5 to 6 inches in length.

Owls are often associated with wisdom in various cultures, including Greek and Roman mythology.

The Eastern screech owl is known for its distinctive trilling calls.

They are found on every continent except Antarctica.

Owls have a specialized serrated leading edge on their primary feathers, reducing flight noise.

The barred owl is recognized by its distinctive hooting call that sounds like, 'Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you all?'

Owls can rotate their heads more than humans due to extra neck vertebrae.

The burrowing owl nests in underground burrows, often repurposing abandoned mammal burrows.

Owls are territorial birds and may fiercely defend their nesting sites.

The spectacled owl is named for the distinctive white markings around its eyes, resembling glasses.

Owls have asymmetrical ear openings, allowing them to pinpoint the direction of sounds accurately.

The northern saw-whet owl gets its name from its repetitive, sawing whistle-like call.

Some owl species, like the tawny owl, are known for their eerie, haunting calls.

Owls do not have a crop (a pouch in the throat for storing food), so they swallow prey whole or in large chunks.

The Eurasian eagle-owl is one of the largest owl species, with a wingspan of over 6 feet.

Owls have excellent camouflage, with patterns and colors that help them blend into their surroundings.

The short-eared owl is known for its diurnal (daytime) hunting behavior.

Owls have large ear tufts on their heads that are not actually ears but serve as a form of communication.

The boreal owl is adapted to life in coniferous forests and preys on small mammals.

Owls are depicted in various folklore and superstitions, sometimes associated with omens or witches.

They are important for controlling rodent populations and maintaining ecological balance.

The powerful talons of owls can exert a strong grip, allowing them to capture prey in flight.