Pigeons, also known as rock doves, are birds of the family Columbidae.

They have a widespread distribution and are found in urban and rural areas globally.

Pigeons have a stout body, short legs, and a characteristic cooing sound.

They are highly adaptable and can thrive in various environments, from cities to deserts.

Pigeons are known for their homing ability, often used in homing pigeon races.

Homing pigeons can find their way home over long distances using their keen sense of orientation.

Pigeons have been domesticated for thousands of years and have served various roles, including messengers and pets.

The common pigeon color is gray, but they can exhibit a variety of colors and patterns.

Pigeons have a unique courtship display, including puffing up their chest, cooing, and bobbing their heads.

They build relatively simple nests, often using twigs and other materials.

Pigeons are granivores, primarily feeding on seeds and grains.

They have a specialized stomach compartment called the crop, where food is temporarily stored before digestion.

Pigeons are monogamous and typically mate for life.

Feral pigeons are those that live in the wild, away from direct human care.

Pigeons are sometimes referred to as 'rats with wings' due to their abundance in urban areas.

The passenger pigeon was once one of the most abundant bird species in North America but became extinct in the early 20th century.

Pigeon racing is a sport where trained homing pigeons compete to return to their home loft from distant locations.

Pigeons have been used in wartime to carry messages, earning them the nickname 'war pigeons' or 'war doves.'

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is one of the largest pigeon species and is native to Papua New Guinea.

Pigeons have excellent vision and can detect ultraviolet light.

In some cultures, pigeons are symbols of peace and love.

Rock doves were the ancestors of domestic pigeons, selectively bred for various traits.

Pigeons produce a substance called 'pigeon milk,' a secretion from the lining of their crop to feed their chicks.

Pigeons have been trained to participate in cognitive studies, demonstrating their intelligence.

The expression 'coming home to roost' is derived from the behavior of pigeons returning to their roosting sites.

Pigeons are often associated with city life, where they can be seen foraging for food scraps.

The Nicobar pigeon is a colorful and distinctive species found in Southeast Asia.

Pigeons have a lifespan of around 5 to 15 years, depending on factors such as predation and environmental conditions.

Pigeon droppings, while considered a nuisance, are rich in nutrients and have been used as fertilizer.

The Jacobin pigeon is known for its unique feathered hood or mane.

Pigeons are social birds that often roost and feed in flocks.

The 'pigeonhole' expression comes from the small compartments used to house pigeons in lofts or cages.