Peacocks are large and colorful birds.

They belong to the pheasant family, Phasianidae.

Peafowls refer to both male (peacock) and female (peahen) birds.

The vibrant plumage of peacocks is known for its iridescence.

Male peacocks have a stunning display of long and colorful tail feathers.

Peacock tails can reach up to 5 feet in length.

The elaborate display is used during courtship to attract peahens.

Female peahens are generally more camouflaged for nesting purposes.

Peacocks are native to South Asia, including India and Sri Lanka.

They are ground-dwelling birds but roost in trees at night.

Peafowls are omnivores, feeding on seeds, insects, and small reptiles.

Their distinctive call sounds like a loud, high-pitched meow.

Peafowls are known for their agility and ability to fly short distances.

The peacock's display is a combination of tail spreading and fanning.

The tail feathers have 'eyes' that can be opened and closed.

The term 'peacock' is often used to refer to both males and females.

Peafowls have a relatively short lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

They are often kept in captivity for their ornamental beauty.

Peacock feathers have been used as decorative elements in various cultures.

Peacocks molt their tail feathers after the breeding season.

In Hindu mythology, the peacock is associated with Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom.

Peafowls can make loud calls to warn of approaching predators.

The peacock's iridescent feathers are created by microscopic crystal-like structures.

Peacock courtship displays are accompanied by vocalizations and strutting.

Peafowls have strong legs and are capable runners.

The term 'peafowl' is used to collectively refer to both peacocks and peahens.

They are known for their adaptability to a variety of habitats.

Peacock chicks are called peachicks.

Male peafowls are polygamous and may mate with multiple peahens.

The peacock's display is often a symbol of beauty and elegance.

Peacocks shed and regrow their tail feathers each year.

Peafowls are popular in mythology, folklore, and religious symbolism.

Their striking appearance makes them a subject of fascination and admiration.