Angelfish are freshwater cichlids known for their distinctive disc-shaped bodies and long, trailing fins.

They belong to the family Cichlidae and are popular aquarium fish.

Angelfish are native to South America, primarily found in the Amazon River basin and its tributaries.

They exhibit a variety of colors and patterns, making them attractive to aquarium enthusiasts.

Angelfish are characterized by a deep, laterally compressed body, giving them a disc-like appearance.

They have a single, long dorsal fin, anal fin, and pectoral fins that resemble extended wings.

Angelfish are territorial and may display aggressive behavior, especially during the breeding season.

They are omnivores, feeding on a diet that includes small fish, insects, and plant matter.

Angelfish are known for their unique courtship rituals, including fin-flaring and body tilting.

They form monogamous pairs and may engage in elaborate mating dances before laying eggs.

Angelfish lay their eggs on a flat surface, often on broad leaves or other smooth substrates.

Both parents participate in guarding and caring for the eggs and later the fry.

Angelfish eggs hatch in about 24 to 36 hours, depending on water conditions.

The fry are initially free-swimming and are provided with parental care until they become independent.

They thrive in aquariums with warm water temperatures ranging from 75 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Angelfish have a labyrinth organ, allowing them to breathe atmospheric air, which is beneficial in oxygen-poor environments.

They are sensitive to changes in water quality and require well-maintained aquarium conditions.

Angelfish come in various color variations, including silver, black, marble, and gold.

They are social fish but can be territorial, especially if their environment lacks hiding spots.

Angelfish are compatible with other peaceful freshwater fish species in a community aquarium.

They can reach sizes of up to 6 inches in height, excluding their extended fins.

Angelfish are selectively bred for specific traits, leading to a wide range of color and fin variations.

In the wild, angelfish inhabit slow-moving rivers, streams, and flooded forests with dense vegetation.

They are often found in shaded areas, using submerged plants as cover.

Angelfish are susceptible to diseases like ich (white spot disease) if proper care is not maintained.

They can live for several years in captivity, with some individuals reaching 10 years or more.

Angelfish communicate through body language and color changes, indicating mood and readiness to breed.

Selective breeding has produced angelfish with long, flowing fins, known as veil-tail or veil angelfish.

They are a popular choice for planted aquariums, as their shape and colors complement aquatic plants.

Angelfish are considered a staple in the freshwater aquarium hobby, appreciated for their elegance and engaging behavior.

Efforts to conserve natural habitats, combat illegal collecting, and promote responsible breeding contribute to the well-being of angelfish.