Belugas are small, toothed whales belonging to the Monodontidae family.

They are also known as white whales due to their distinctive coloration.

Belugas inhabit Arctic and subarctic regions of the world.

Their white color helps them blend in with icy environments.

Belugas have a robust, rounded body and a small head with a melon-shaped forehead.

They lack a dorsal fin, which aids in navigating through ice-covered waters.

Belugas are social animals and often travel in groups called pods.

The sound they produce is varied and complex, earning them the nickname 'canaries of the sea.'

They have a flexible neck that allows them to turn their heads in various directions.

Belugas have a lifespan of 40 to 60 years, making them one of the longest-living whale species.

Calves are born gray or brown and gradually turn white as they mature.

Belugas undergo molting, shedding their outer skin layer as they age.

They are opportunistic feeders, consuming fish, squid, and crustaceans.

Belugas have up to 40 teeth, which are not used for chewing but for catching prey.

Migration patterns depend on the availability of food and ice conditions.

They are known for their playful behavior, often seen swimming near the surface and spy-hopping.

Belugas are one of the most vocal whale species, using clicks, whistles, and chirps for communication.

They are capable of echolocation, a sonar-like ability to navigate and locate prey.

Belugas are highly adapted to cold environments, with a thick layer of blubber for insulation.

In the wild, they may face threats such as predation by orcas and human-related activities.

Belugas can swim backward, a unique ability among whales.

They are listed as 'near threatened' due to potential threats like climate change and habitat degradation.

Belugas are known for their facial expressions and seeming to smile, due to the upturned corners of their mouths.

They are often found in estuaries and shallow coastal areas during the summer.

Belugas participate in synchronized group behaviors and may breach or tail slap together.

Conservation efforts focus on protecting their habitat and reducing human impacts.

Belugas have been kept in captivity, although there is ongoing debate about the ethics of marine mammal captivity.

The beluga's scientific name is Delphinapterus leucas.

Inuit people have traditionally hunted belugas for their meat, blubber, and other materials.

Belugas are known for their elaborate courtship rituals, including vocalizations and physical displays.

They have a specialized adaptation for breaking through sea ice called the 'melon.'

Belugas have a well-developed sense of hearing, crucial for communication in their underwater environment.

In addition to white, some individuals may have a mottled appearance due to pigmentation.

Belugas are important indicators of the health of Arctic marine ecosystems.

They are particularly sensitive to changes in sea ice, temperature, and prey availability.

Tourism focused on observing belugas in the wild is a growing industry.

Scientific research on belugas helps understand their behavior, ecology, and conservation needs.