Ducks are waterfowl birds known for their distinctive quacking sounds.

There are numerous species of ducks, including the Mallard, Pekin, and Wood Duck.

Ducks are found in various habitats, including freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, and marshes.

Ducks have webbed feet, which make them excellent swimmers.

Male ducks are called drakes, females are called hens, and ducklings are the young.

Ducks are omnivores and eat a diet that includes aquatic plants, insects, small fish, and grains.

Ducks have waterproof feathers that help keep them dry while swimming.

Ducks molt their feathers twice a year, during which they are temporarily flightless.

Ducks are social birds and often form flocks, especially during migration.

The domesticated Pekin duck is one of the most common duck breeds raised for meat.

Ducklings are precocial, meaning they are born with their eyes open and are capable of walking shortly after hatching.

Ducks use a variety of vocalizations, including quacks, whistles, and grunts, to communicate.

Ducks are known for their dabbling behavior, tipping forward in the water to feed.

Ducks have a specialized filtering system in their bills that allows them to sieve food from the water.

Ducks are excellent flyers and migrate over long distances to find suitable breeding and feeding grounds.

Duck eggs are commonly used in cooking and baking.

Ducks are kept as domesticated animals for their eggs, meat, and feathers.

Ducklings imprint on the first moving object they see, often their mother, shortly after hatching.

Ducks have a third eyelid, called the nictitating membrane, which protects their eyes while swimming.

Ducks are known to engage in courtship displays, including head bobbing and tail wagging.

Ducks are capable of sleeping with one eye open, allowing them to remain vigilant for predators.

Ducks are featured in various cultural symbols and stories, such as Aflac's famous advertising duck.

Ducks play a role in controlling insect populations, making them beneficial in agricultural settings.

Ducks have a quacking sound that varies between species and individuals.

Ducks are affected by habitat loss, pollution, and climate change, posing threats to their populations.

Ducklings are often raised by their mother, but some species may be raised by surrogate mothers or even other duck species.

Ducks are known for their vibrant plumage, with males often having more colorful and elaborate feathers.

Ducks are part of the family Anatidae, which also includes swans and geese.

Ducks are strong fliers, capable of reaching speeds of up to 55 miles per hour.

Duck feathers are used in various industries, including bedding and clothing.

Ducks have a unique digestive system that allows them to eat a variety of foods, including seeds and insects.

Ducks are highly adaptable to different environments, from urban ponds to remote wetlands.

Ducks are commonly associated with water features in parks and gardens, where they are often fed by visitors.

Ducks are known for their dabbling behavior, where they upend in the water to feed on aquatic plants and invertebrates.