Deer are hoofed mammals belonging to the family Cervidae.

They are found on every continent except Antarctica.

Male deer are called bucks, females are called does, and young deer are fawns.

Deer have antlers, which are bony extensions from the skull, not horns.

Antlers are shed and regrown annually in most deer species.

The whitetail deer is one of the most common deer species in North America.

Deer are herbivores, feeding on grass, leaves, and other vegetation.

They have a four-chambered stomach for efficient digestion.

Deer have a keen sense of smell and excellent hearing.

They are known for their leaping and bounding gait when alarmed.

Deer are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk.

They have specialized scent glands for communication and marking territory.

Deer may form herds for protection against predators.

The mule deer gets its name from its large ears that resemble a mule's.

Deer are strong swimmers and are capable of crossing rivers and lakes.

They are preyed upon by various predators, including wolves and big cats.

Deer communicate using vocalizations such as grunts, bleats, and snorts.

They have a reflective layer behind their retinas, enhancing night vision.

Deer undergo rutting, a mating season marked by aggressive behavior among males.

They can reach impressive speeds, with some species capable of running 35 mph.

Deer have a natural camouflage with their spotted coats during fawnhood.

They are important in seed dispersal as they consume and spread plant seeds.

Deer have been depicted in art and folklore throughout human history.

They are known to jump over fences and obstacles effortlessly.

Deer populations are managed through hunting to maintain ecological balance.

They are adaptable to various environments, from forests to open grasslands.

Deer have a gestation period of about six to seven months.

They are known to browse on a variety of plant species.

Deer are affected by a condition called chronic wasting disease.

They have a natural grooming behavior where they lick and clean their fur.

Deer are resilient and can thrive in urban and suburban areas.