Turkeys are large birds native to North America.

They belong to the family Phasianidae.

Wild turkeys have brownish feathers with iridescent hues.

Male turkeys are called toms or gobblers, while females are hens.

Turkeys are known for their distinctive wattles and snoods.

They have a bald head with fleshy growths called caruncles.

Turkeys are ground-dwelling birds with powerful legs.

They are omnivores, feeding on seeds, nuts, insects, and small reptiles.

Turkeys have a keen sense of hearing and excellent vision.

Male turkeys display a fan-like tail during courtship rituals.

They are highly vocal, with males gobbling to attract mates.

Turkeys can fly short distances, often roosting in trees at night.

Domestic turkeys, raised for meat, are different from their wild counterparts.

Wild turkeys are agile runners and can reach speeds up to 20 miles per hour.

Turkeys have a social hierarchy within their flocks.

They use dust baths to clean and maintain their feathers.

Turkeys have a unique gobbling sound that can be heard from a distance.

They are one of the largest birds in the Galliformes order.

Turkeys were domesticated by Indigenous peoples in pre-Columbian America.

The wild turkey is the official game bird of the United States.

They have a distinctive strut during courtship displays.

Turkeys are associated with Thanksgiving celebrations in the United States.

Wild turkeys have a varied diet, including acorns, berries, and insects.

They have a fleshy protuberance called a dewlap or beard.

Turkeys have a diverse range of vocalizations, including clucks and purrs.

They roost in trees at night to avoid predators.

Turkeys have a communal approach to raising their young.

They have a unique digestive system with a large cecum for breaking down plant material.

Turkeys are known to be wary and can quickly flee from potential threats.

They have a distinctive 'spit' sound when alarmed.

Turkeys were named by early European settlers who thought they resembled the guinea fowl from Turkey.

Wild turkeys have excellent camouflage, blending into their woodland habitats.

They have a lifespan of about 3 to 5 years in the wild.

Turkeys are featured in various Native American folklore and traditions.