Hippos are large herbivorous mammals.

They belong to the family Hippopotamidae.

The common hippopotamus is one of two extant species.

Hippos are found in rivers and lakes in sub-Saharan Africa.

They have a massive, barrel-shaped body and short legs.

Hippos have large mouths and tusks, with canine teeth reaching up to 51 centimeters.

They are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for several minutes.

Hippos are herbivores, primarily feeding on grass.

Despite their appearance, hippos are surprisingly agile and fast on land.

They can run at speeds of up to 30 kilometers per hour.

Hippos are considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.

They are responsible for more human deaths in Africa than other large animals.

Hippos secrete a red-colored substance, often referred to as 'blood sweat,' which acts as a sunscreen and antibiotic.

They are social animals and can be found in groups called pods.

Male hippos are called bulls, females are called cows, and the young are called calves.

Hippos communicate through various vocalizations, including grunts, roars, and honks.

The pygmy hippopotamus is a smaller and less-known species of hippo.

Hippos spend a significant amount of time in the water to keep cool.

They are territorial and mark their territory with dung.

The closest living relatives of hippos are whales and dolphins.

Hippos have a gestation period of around 8 months.

Calves are usually born in the water and can swim shortly after birth.

Despite their size, hippos are good runners and can outrun humans.

Their eyes, ears, and nostrils are positioned on the top of their head, allowing them to stay submerged while still observing their surroundings.

Hippos have powerful jaws and can crush bones with their large teeth.

They are mainly active at night, foraging for food in the dark.

Hippos have been depicted in ancient Egyptian art and mythology.

They are considered semi-aquatic, spending both time in water and on land.

Hippos are threatened by habitat loss and poaching for their ivory canine teeth.

They have a lifespan of around 40-50 years.

Hippos create paths in water, known as hippo highways, to facilitate movement through rivers and lakes.

Hippos are excellent mothers and are protective of their calves.

Despite their aggressive reputation, hippos can be social and exhibit playful behavior.

They have a unique digestive system that allows them to ferment food in their large stomachs.

Hippos play a crucial role in shaping aquatic ecosystems through their feeding and wallowing activities.