Alpacas are domesticated South American camelids.

There are two breeds of alpacas: Huacaya and Suri.

Alpacas are known for their soft and luxurious fiber, which is highly prized for making textiles.

Alpacas are related to llamas, guanacos, and vicuñas.

Alpacas have been domesticated for over 6,000 years.

Alpacas are social animals and prefer to live in herds.

Alpacas communicate through various vocalizations, including humming, clucking, and screaming.

Alpacas are herbivores and graze on grasses and hay.

Alpacas have a unique two-toed foot with soft, padded undersides.

The fiber from alpacas is hypoallergenic and contains no lanolin.

Alpacas come in a variety of colors, including white, black, brown, and gray.

Alpacas are known for their calm and gentle demeanor.

Female alpacas are called hembra, and males are called macho.

Alpacas have a gestation period of about 11 months.

Newborn alpacas are called cria.

Alpacas are shorn annually to harvest their fiber.

Alpaca fiber is warmer than sheep's wool and contains no lanolin, making it less itchy.

Alpacas have large, expressive eyes and a soft muzzle.

Alpacas are adapted to high-altitude living in the Andes mountains of South America.

Alpacas are kept as livestock for their fiber, meat, and sometimes as guard animals.

Alpaca manure is an excellent fertilizer with low odor and high nutrient content.

Alpacas have a padded bottom lip, allowing them to graze close to the ground.

Alpacas are known to cush, which is a sitting or lying position they often adopt.

Alpacas have a natural hierarchy within their herds.

Alpacas are highly efficient at converting grass and hay into energy.

Alpaca shows and competitions judge animals based on fiber quality and conformation.

Alpacas are adapted to harsh weather conditions, including cold temperatures and high altitudes.

Alpacas have a soft, humming vocalization used for communication.

Alpacas are shorn using special shears, and the process is not harmful to the animals.

Alpacas have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years.

Alpacas have a split upper lip, allowing them to grasp and pick up small objects.

Alpacas have a three-chambered stomach for efficient digestion.

Alpaca fiber is often compared to cashmere for its softness and fineness.

Alpacas are native to South America, primarily Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.

Alpacas are gentle with children and can make good therapy animals.

Alpacas are known to hum while they eat, creating a harmonious sound in the herd.

Alpacas have been selectively bred for their fiber characteristics.

Alpacas are ruminants, meaning they chew cud to aid in digestion.