Komodo Dragons are the world's largest lizards and belong to the monitor lizard family.

They are native to the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami.

Komodo Dragons are known for their impressive size, with some individuals reaching lengths of over 10 feet.

They have strong limbs, a long tail, and a robust, muscular build.

Komodo Dragons are skilled swimmers and can traverse both land and water with ease.

Their skin is reinforced with small, bony plates called osteoderms for added protection.

Komodo Dragons have a keen sense of smell and can detect carrion from miles away.

They are carnivorous predators and primarily feed on deer, wild boar, and other large animals.

Komodo Dragons have a venomous bite, containing toxic proteins that cause rapid blood loss and shock in their prey.

They have a serrated set of teeth that aids in tearing flesh.

Despite their large size, Komodo Dragons are agile climbers and can scale trees to reach bird nests.

Female Komodo Dragons lay eggs in burrows, and the incubation period is around 8 months.

The temperature during incubation determines the sex of the Komodo Dragon offspring.

Komodo Dragons have a lifespan of around 30 years in the wild.

They are solitary creatures and are known for their territorial behavior.

The Komodo Dragon's scientific name is Varanus komodoensis.

Komodo Dragons have a powerful jaw that allows them to consume large chunks of meat.

They have a low metabolic rate, enabling them to survive on as little as 12 meals a year.

Komodo Dragons may engage in aggressive encounters, especially during the mating season.

They have excellent vision and can see objects as far as 985 feet away.

Komodo Dragons communicate using various vocalizations, including hisses, growls, and snorts.

They are considered apex predators, with no natural predators in their native habitat.

Komodo Dragons can run at speeds of up to 12 miles per hour in short bursts.

They are often found in savannas, forests, and grasslands.

Komodo Dragons are capable of swallowing prey whole, even if it's larger than their head.

They possess a bacteria-laden saliva that aids in breaking down and digesting their food.

Komodo Dragons have a cryptic coloration, blending in with their natural surroundings.

They may engage in cannibalism, with larger individuals preying on smaller, juvenile dragons.

Komodo Dragons are considered vulnerable due to habitat loss, poaching, and natural disasters.

They are protected by law in Indonesia, and conservation efforts aim to ensure their survival.

Komodo Dragons have been featured prominently in mythology and folklore on the islands where they are found.

They are a popular attraction for ecotourism, drawing visitors to the Komodo National Park.

Komodo Dragons are agile and have a strong tail that aids in balance and maneuverability.

They are capable of storing sperm for several months, allowing females to delay fertilization until conditions are optimal.

Komodo Dragons have been featured in documentaries and scientific studies to better understand their behavior and biology.

They play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of their habitat by controlling prey populations.

Komodo Dragons have a unique gait, lifting their bodies off the ground in a high-walk manner.

Efforts to protect Komodo Dragons involve habitat conservation, research, and education initiatives.