Anteaters are mammals known for their long snouts and tongues.

They belong to the suborder Vermilingua.

Anteaters are found in Central and South America.

They have a specialized diet consisting mainly of ants and termites.

Anteaters use their strong claws to break into ant and termite nests.

The giant anteater is the largest species of anteater.

Anteaters have poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell to locate insects.

They can flick their long, sticky tongues up to 150 times per minute.

Anteaters have no teeth but instead grind their food using hard, bony plates in their stomachs.

They are covered in coarse fur, which helps protect them from insect bites.

Anteaters have long, bushy tails that help them maintain balance.

They are primarily solitary animals and are not territorial.

Anteaters are skilled swimmers and may use water as a means of escape.

They have a specialized tongue that can extend up to two feet.

Anteaters are capable of opening their mouths incredibly wide to feed efficiently.

The silky anteater is the smallest species of anteater.

Anteaters give birth to a single offspring at a time.

Anteater mothers carry their young on their backs.

Pups ride on their mother's back for several months before becoming independent.

Anteaters have a distinctive appearance with a long, tubular snout.

Their tongues are covered in sticky saliva to capture and collect insects.

Anteaters may consume thousands of insects in a single day.

They are equipped with powerful forelimbs and sharp claws for digging.

Anteaters are known to use their sharp claws for self-defense.

The tamandua, or lesser anteater, has a prehensile tail for climbing.

Anteaters have a relatively low metabolic rate and move slowly.

They are sometimes referred to as 'ant bears.'

Anteaters are important for controlling insect populations in their ecosystems.

Their unique tongue and feeding behavior make them specialized insectivores.

Anteaters are at risk due to habitat loss and human encroachment on their environments.