Crabs belong to the order Decapoda.

There are over 6,800 species of crabs.

Crabs are found in oceans, freshwater habitats, and on land.

They have a hard exoskeleton that provides protection and support.

Crabs have ten limbs, with the front pair modified into claws, or chelae.

The horseshoe crab, despite its name, is not a true crab.

Crabs are omnivores, consuming algae, plankton, mollusks, and detritus.

They have a unique way of moving sideways, called lateral movement.

Crabs undergo molting to grow, shedding their exoskeleton and forming a new one.

Some crab species can walk forward, but most move sideways or backward.

Fiddler crabs have one oversized claw, which they use for communication and attracting mates.

Hermit crabs use empty shells as protection for their soft abdomens.

Crabs have specialized gills that allow them to breathe underwater.

The coconut crab is the largest terrestrial crab and can climb trees.

Crabs communicate through visual signals, sounds, and chemical cues.

Males often have a narrower abdomen, while females have a broader one for carrying eggs.

Crabs are an important part of marine ecosystems, contributing to nutrient cycling.

They are found in various sizes, from tiny pea crabs to the Japanese spider crab with a leg span of over 12 feet.

Crabs use their claws for defense, feeding, and attracting mates.

Some crabs, like the ghost crab, are adapted to spend extended periods on land.

Crabs are known to be opportunistic scavengers, feeding on dead animals.

The blue crab is a popular seafood item in many cuisines.

Certain crab species, like the red king crab, are known for their large size.

Crabs can regenerate lost limbs during the molting process.

Mating in crabs often involves complex courtship rituals.

The horseshoe crab is more closely related to spiders and scorpions than true crabs.

Some crabs, such as the coconut crab, are capable of climbing trees.

Crabs have compound eyes, providing a wide field of vision.

The pea crab is the smallest crab species, measuring only a few millimeters in size.

Land crabs, like the Christmas Island red crab, undertake mass migrations to lay eggs in the ocean.

Crabs are arthropods, belonging to the same phylum as insects and spiders.

They are an economically significant seafood resource in many coastal regions.

Crabs play a crucial role in controlling populations of other marine organisms.

Certain crab species, like the horseshoe crab, have been around for hundreds of millions of years.

Crabs are well-adapted to a variety of environments, from deep-sea vents to tropical beaches.