Guinea pigs are not pigs; they are rodents.

They are also known as cavies.

Guinea pigs were domesticated over 3,000 years ago in South America.

There are 13 different breeds of guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs come in various colors and coat types.

They have a lifespan of 5 to 7 years.

Guinea pigs are social animals and thrive in pairs or groups.

A group of guinea pigs is called a herd.

Guinea pigs communicate through various vocalizations.

They are herbivores and primarily eat hay, vegetables, and pellets.

Guinea pigs need a good source of Vitamin C in their diet.

They have continuously growing teeth that require proper chewing material.

Guinea pigs are excellent at grooming themselves.

They are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk.

Guinea pigs have a unique digestive system with a large cecum.

They are coprophagic, meaning they eat their own feces to obtain nutrients.

Guinea pigs enjoy hiding spots and need a cozy, secure cage.

They can recognize their owners and become quite tame with proper handling.

Guinea pigs may popcorn, a behavior indicating excitement.

They are prey animals in the wild, which influences their behavior.

Guinea pigs have well-developed senses of hearing and smell.

They do not sweat and are prone to heatstroke, so they need a cool environment.

Guinea pigs are prolific breeders, with a short gestation period.

Newborn guinea pigs are called pups.

They are born fully furred and with open eyes.

Guinea pigs require regular grooming, especially long-haired breeds.

They are susceptible to certain health issues, including respiratory problems.

Guinea pigs enjoy a variety of toys and activities to stay mentally stimulated.

They need access to clean, fresh water at all times.

Guinea pigs should be provided with a balanced, guinea pig-specific diet.

They enjoy exploring and may create well-worn paths in their living space.

Guinea pigs are known for their gentle and docile nature.

They are often kept as pets worldwide, bringing joy to many families.

Guinea pigs have a unique way of showing affection, such as purring.

Proper veterinary care is essential for maintaining guinea pig health.