Discus fish are colorful freshwater fish known for their circular shape.

They belong to the cichlid family.

Discus fish are native to the Amazon River basin in South America.

These fish are popular in the aquarium hobby for their vibrant colors.

Discus come in various colors, including red, blue, green, and brown.

They have a distinctive round body shape, resembling a disc.

Discus fish are known for their social behavior.

They prefer living in groups and form strong pair bonds during mating.

These fish are often referred to as the 'king of the aquarium.'

Discus are considered one of the more challenging fish to keep in aquariums.

They require stable water conditions with specific temperature and pH levels.

Discus have a unique method of parental care where both parents guard the eggs and fry.

They are omnivores, feeding on a diet of both live and prepared foods.

Discus fish are sensitive to changes in water quality and temperature.

They have a compressed body, which allows them to navigate through tight spaces.

Discus are known for their elaborate courtship rituals.

They can grow up to 8-10 inches in size, depending on the species.

These fish have a lifespan of around 10 years in captivity.

Discus fish exhibit various patterns and color variations.

They are often kept in spacious aquariums to mimic their natural environment.

Discus require a well-planted aquarium with hiding spots.

They are territorial during breeding and may become more aggressive.

Discus fish are susceptible to certain diseases, so regular monitoring is essential.

They have a small mouth relative to their body size.

Discus fish are known to change color based on their mood and environment.

They have a unique way of communicating using body movements.

Discus are known to be selective about their tankmates.

They are considered a symbol of beauty and elegance in the aquarium hobby.

Discus fish are often bred in captivity to maintain specific color strains.

They prefer warm water temperatures between 82-88 degrees Fahrenheit.

Discus are known to make clicking sounds during certain behaviors.

They may exhibit schooling behavior in the wild.

Discus have a delicate slime coat that protects their skin.

They are valued for their unique patterns, which can be almost psychedelic.

Discus fish have a peaceful temperament but can be territorial during breeding season.