Lobsters are marine crustaceans found in the oceans worldwide.

They belong to the family Nephropidae and are closely related to crabs and shrimp.

Lobsters are decapods, meaning they have ten legs.

They have a hard exoskeleton that they molt as they grow.

Lobsters come in various colors, including shades of blue, green, and brown.

The American lobster is one of the largest lobster species and is commonly found in the Atlantic Ocean.

Lobsters are nocturnal, actively foraging for food during the night.

They are omnivores, feeding on a diet that includes fish, mollusks, and plant matter.

Lobsters have two large claws, one for crushing and one for cutting.

The dominant claw of a lobster may differ, with some being 'right-handed' and others 'left-handed.'

Lobsters communicate using pheromones and postural displays.

They have a sophisticated sense of smell, helping them locate food and mates.

Lobsters can regenerate lost limbs during molting.

They can live for several decades, with some reaching ages of 50 years or more.

The European lobster is another well-known species, found in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean.

Lobsters play a vital role in marine ecosystems as scavengers and predators.

They use their powerful tails for rapid backward swimming to escape predators.

Lobsters are often caught for culinary purposes, with lobster meat considered a delicacy.

They are typically cooked by boiling or steaming.

Lobsters have a 'tamale' or 'green gland,' which functions as a liver and turns green when cooked.

In some cultures, lobsters were once considered a food for prisoners and indentured servants.

Lobster fishing has environmental concerns due to overfishing and habitat degradation.

Mating in lobsters involves a courtship dance, and females carry eggs on their abdomen.

A female lobster can carry thousands of eggs, which hatch into larvae.

Lobster larvae undergo several stages of development before becoming juveniles.

Lobsters are known for their cannibalistic tendencies, especially in captivity.

The 'lobster trap' is a common fishing method, using bait to lure lobsters into a cage-like device.

Some lobsters exhibit unique color variations, such as 'calico' or 'two-toned' patterns.

Lobsters have a highly efficient circulatory system that minimizes energy expenditure.

They have specialized chemoreceptors on their front walking legs to detect chemical cues in the environment.

Lobsters are capable of walking slowly along the ocean floor using their walking legs.

The size of a lobster's claw can indicate its age and level of maturity.

Lobsters are known for their resilience, adapting to various environmental conditions.

Lobster populations can be affected by changes in water temperature and ocean acidification.

Despite their tough appearance, lobsters are vulnerable during molting, as their new exoskeleton is soft.