Tuna are fast-swimming, migratory fish found in both warm and cold seas.

They belong to the Thunnini tribe and are part of the mackerel family.

Tuna are known for their streamlined, torpedo-shaped bodies.

They have a high metabolic rate and need to constantly swim to breathe.

Tuna can swim at speeds of up to 75 km/h (47 mph).

They are highly sought after by commercial and sport fishermen.

Tuna are carnivorous and prey on smaller fish and squid.

Certain species of tuna, like the bluefin tuna, are known for their massive size.

Tuna are capable of long-distance migrations, covering thousands of miles.

They have a unique circulatory system that allows them to conserve heat.

Tuna have a special adaptation called a 'rete mirabile' that helps retain heat in their muscles.

They are opportunistic feeders, consuming a wide range of prey.

Tuna are vital to marine ecosystems as both predators and prey.

They are commercially important for their meat, often used in sushi and sashimi.

Tuna populations are facing threats from overfishing and illegal fishing practices.

Certain species of tuna, like the albacore tuna, have distinctive long pectoral fins.

Tuna are capable of elevating their body temperature above that of the surrounding water.

They are capable of rapid bursts of speed known as 'tuna runs.'

Tuna are known for their impressive leaping abilities.

Certain tuna species, such as yellowfin tuna, are known for their distinct yellow dorsal fin and finlets.

They have a fusiform body shape, which contributes to their efficient swimming abilities.

Tuna are important for the economies of many coastal regions through commercial fishing.

Certain tuna species, like skipjack tuna, are commonly used in canned tuna products.

They are capable of diving to significant depths in search of prey.

Tuna are often found in schools, enhancing their ability to find food and avoid predators.

Certain tuna species, like bigeye tuna, are known to feed in deeper, darker waters during the day.

They are equipped with sharp, retractable fins to reduce drag while swimming.

Tuna have a streamlined body covered with smooth, overlapping scales.

Certain tuna species, like the blackfin tuna, are smaller in size compared to other tuna.

They have a layer of fat, known as 'tuna belly,' that is prized for its rich flavor.

Tuna are able to detect changes in water temperature and navigate accordingly.

They play a crucial role in regulating the populations of their prey species.

Tuna are highly migratory and often cross entire ocean basins during their journeys.

Certain tuna species, like the southern bluefin tuna, are listed as endangered due to overfishing.

They are fascinating subjects for scientific research due to their unique physiology and behaviors.