Rays are cartilaginous fish belonging to the order Batoidea.

They are closely related to sharks and belong to the class Chondrichthyes.

Rays are known for their flattened bodies and enlarged pectoral fins.

There are over 600 known species of rays.

Rays inhabit a variety of aquatic environments, from freshwater to saltwater.

Their mouths are located on the underside of their bodies.

Rays have a unique method of breathing known as spiracles, which allow them to draw in water while buried in sand.

They have a skeleton made of cartilage rather than bone.

Rays are efficient swimmers and can propel themselves using their powerful tails.

They are characterized by their diamond-shaped bodies.

Some species of rays are capable of delivering electric shocks for defense and hunting.

Rays are primarily carnivorous, feeding on a diet of fish, crustaceans, and mollusks.

Certain species of rays, like manta rays, are filter feeders, consuming plankton.

Rays often have venomous spines on their tails for protection.

The eyes of rays are located on the topside of their bodies.

Rays have a wide range of sizes, from small species to large rays like the manta ray.

Some rays, such as the electric ray, can generate electric discharges for hunting.

Rays are known for their bottom-dwelling behavior, with some species burying themselves in sand.

They are found in various oceans and seas around the world.

Rays reproduce through internal fertilization, and some species give birth to live young.

Certain species of rays, like the stingray, are popular in aquariums.

Rays have a relatively slow reproductive rate, with long gestation periods.

The spotted eagle ray is known for its distinctive appearance, with white spots on its dark body.

Rays are important in marine ecosystems, helping control populations of prey species.

Some rays, like the devil rays, are known for their acrobatic leaps out of the water.

Rays have a well-developed sense of smell and electroreception.

Certain species of rays migrate over long distances in search of food and suitable breeding grounds.

The giant manta ray is one of the largest ray species, with wingspans exceeding 20 feet.

Rays have been featured in various cultures and mythologies around the world.

They are vulnerable to overfishing and habitat degradation, leading to conservation concerns.

Rays play a vital role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems.