Beetles belong to the order Coleoptera, which is the largest order in the animal kingdom.

They have a hard outer exoskeleton called elytra that protects their wings.

Beetles are found in almost every habitat, from freshwater to forests and deserts.

There are over 400,000 known species of beetles, and scientists estimate millions more undiscovered.

The word 'beetle' is derived from the Old English word 'bitela,' meaning 'little biter.'

Beetles are classified based on their feeding habits, including herbivores, carnivores, and scavengers.

They undergo complete metamorphosis, with egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages.

Beetle larvae are often called grubs and have distinct feeding habits depending on the species.

Some beetles, like ladybugs, are beneficial to agriculture as they consume pests like aphids.

Beetles are important decomposers, aiding in the breakdown of dead plant and animal matter.

The bombardier beetle is known for its defense mechanism, spraying hot, noxious chemicals when threatened.

Fireflies, a type of beetle, use bioluminescence for communication and attracting mates.

Beetles can be serious agricultural pests, damaging crops and stored food products.

The rhinoceros beetle is one of the largest beetle species, known for its horn-like projections.

Certain beetles, like the dung beetle, play a crucial role in nutrient recycling by feeding on dung.

Some beetles mimic ants or other insects for protection against predators.

Beetles have a diverse range of colors and patterns, often serving as a form of camouflage.

The Japanese beetle is an invasive species in North America, causing damage to plants and crops.

Beetles have jointed appendages and chewing mouthparts.

They communicate through chemical signals, vibrations, and, in some cases, sounds.

Beetles are known for their ability to fly, although some species are flightless.

The diving beetle is adapted for life in the water, with specialized hind legs for swimming.

Some beetles are attracted to lights at night, a behavior known as phototaxis.

The metallic wood-boring beetle can cause damage to wooden structures and furniture.

Certain beetles, like the jewel beetles, are valued for their iridescent and colorful exoskeletons.

The Colorado potato beetle is a notorious agricultural pest, feeding on potato plants.

Beetles have specialized mouthparts for various diets, including biting, chewing, or sucking.

The click beetle gets its name from the clicking sound it makes by snapping its body when overturned.

Beetles have been used in various cultural symbols and folklore around the world.

Some beetles, like the whirligig beetle, are known for their unique swimming behavior.

Beetles play a crucial role in ecosystems as both pollinators and decomposers.

The Hercules beetle is one of the longest beetles, with impressive horn-like structures.

Certain beetles, such as the carrion beetles, help clean the environment by feeding on dead animals.

Beetles are ancient insects, with a fossil record dating back over 300 million years.

The Titan beetle is one of the largest beetles, found in the rainforests of South America.