Roosters are male chickens.

They are known for their distinctive crowing sound.

Roosters have colorful and elaborate plumage.

These birds are often raised for meat and egg production.

Roosters play a role in the mating behavior of chickens.

They have a comb on top of their head, which can vary in shape.

Roosters have wattles, fleshy protuberances hanging from their chin.

The crowing of a rooster serves to establish territory and attract hens.

Roosters have spurs on their legs, used for self-defense.

They are territorial and may engage in aggressive behavior.

Roosters have a keen sense of hearing.

They play a protective role in the flock.

Roosters may engage in 'tidbitting' to attract hens to food.

They have a hierarchical structure within the flock.

Roosters exhibit a variety of vocalizations for communication.

These birds are diurnal, being active during the day.

Roosters have a specialized crowing posture.

They have excellent vision, detecting predators from a distance.

Roosters have a strong scratching instinct for finding food.

They are omnivores, consuming grains, insects, and small animals.

Roosters may dust bathe to keep their feathers clean.

They are known to show affection to hens in their care.

Roosters may take on a protective stance when sensing danger.

They have a crop, a pouch-like organ for food storage.

Roosters may engage in 'tidbitting' to alert the flock to food sources.

They may roost in trees or on elevated perches at night.

Roosters exhibit distinctive courtship behaviors.

They have a keen sense of time, crowing at specific times of the day.

Roosters may engage in wing-dropping displays.

They have a strong instinct to forage for insects and seeds.

Roosters may engage in 'tidbitting' to share food with hens.

They exhibit a range of vocalizations to communicate different messages.

Roosters may exhibit protective behavior towards chicks.

They have a specialized crowing sound to establish dominance.

Roosters may engage in dust bathing for hygiene.

They have a heightened sense of alertness to potential threats.

Roosters may crow in response to external stimuli.

They exhibit distinct courtship rituals during mating.