Toads are amphibians.

They belong to the order Anura.

Toads are similar to frogs but often have drier and wartier skin.

They have short bodies and relatively stubby legs.

Toads are known for their distinctive hopping movement.

They are found on every continent except Antarctica.

Toads have parotoid glands behind their eyes that secrete toxins for defense.

Some toads have bright coloration as a warning to predators.

Toads have a unique breeding behavior known as amplexus.

They lay eggs in long gelatinous strings in water.

Toad tadpoles undergo metamorphosis to become adults.

Toads are nocturnal, being most active during the night.

They have specialized skin cells that aid in respiration.

Toads have a lifespan of around 10 to 15 years in the wild.

They hibernate during the winter in colder regions.

Toads are carnivorous, feeding on insects and other small invertebrates.

Some toads can inflate themselves as a defensive mechanism.

Toads have a wide range of vocalizations, including croaks and trills.

They are highly adaptable to various environments.

Toads have a nictitating membrane that covers their eyes for protection.

They are often associated with folklore and fairy tales.

Toads are sensitive to environmental changes.

They are important in controlling insect populations.

Toads are susceptible to pollution and habitat loss.

Some species of toads secrete substances with medicinal properties.

Toads have powerful hind legs for jumping.

They use their long, sticky tongue to catch prey.

Toads shed their skin periodically to grow.

They have a unique way of swallowing prey using their eyes to push food down their throats.

Toads are known for their burrowing behavior.

They have a diverse range of colors and patterns.

Toads can survive in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats.

They are commonly kept as pets in some cultures.

Toads play a role in nutrient cycling in ecosystems.

They have a well-developed sense of hearing.

Toads are indicator species, reflecting the health of their ecosystems.

They are important in scientific research, especially in studies of amphibian declines.