Worms are invertebrates.

They belong to the phylum Annelida.

There are over 6,000 known species of worms.

Worms play a crucial role in soil health.

They help break down organic matter in the soil.

Worms are hermaphrodites, having both male and female reproductive organs.

The common earthworm is often used in vermiculture.

Worms have a unique way of moving through peristaltic contractions.

Some worms can regenerate if they are cut into pieces.

Worms breathe through their skin.

They have a simple nervous system.

Worms are sensitive to light and vibrations.

Earthworms can live for several years.

Some marine worms can grow to impressive lengths.

Flatworms are known for their flattened bodies.

The ribbon worm has a long, slender, ribbon-like appearance.

Certain worms are parasitic, living off host organisms.

Tapeworms are an example of parasitic worms.

Worms are a food source for various animals.

They are often used as bait in fishing.

Worms played a role in Charles Darwin's research on evolution.

Worms can lay eggs, and reproduction can occur sexually or asexually.

They are found in various environments, including freshwater and marine habitats.

Some worms are adapted to life in extreme environments.

Certain species of worms are bioluminescent.

The ancient Egyptians considered the earthworm sacred.

Worms can be classified into different types based on their habitat and characteristics.

They have a cylindrical, elongated body.

Worms are detritivores, feeding on dead plant and animal matter.

Certain worms are used in medical research.

The microscopic nematode is a type of roundworm.

Silkworms are famous for producing silk fibers.

Worms are crucial for maintaining soil structure.

Some species of worms are adapted to living in burrows.

Worms are an important part of the ecosystem.

They contribute to nutrient cycling in the soil.

Worms have been studied for their potential in waste management.

Certain worms exhibit interesting behaviors, such as mating dances.

Worms are sensitive indicators of environmental health.