Opossums are marsupials found in North and South America.

They belong to the family Didelphidae and are the only marsupials in North America.

Opossums are often referred to as 'possums,' but the term 'opossum' is more accurate.

They have prehensile tails that aid in climbing and balancing.

Opossums are nocturnal, primarily active during the night.

The Virginia Opossum is the only marsupial found in the United States and Canada.

Opossums are skilled climbers and are adapted for both terrestrial and arboreal lifestyles.

They have opposable thumbs on their hind feet, aiding in gripping branches and food.

The marsupial pouch of female opossums opens to the rear, a unique feature among marsupials.

Opossums are known for 'playing possum,' a defense mechanism where they feign death to deter predators.

Their diet includes a wide range of foods, such as fruits, insects, small mammals, and carrion.

Opossums have a remarkable immune system, making them resistant to various toxins and venoms.

They are opportunistic feeders and may consume ticks, reducing the risk of Lyme disease.

Opossums are prolific breeders, with females capable of giving birth to large litters.

The young, called joeys, continue their development in the mother's pouch.

Opossums have a relatively short lifespan, typically living around two to four years.

The tail of an opossum can be used for balance, but it is not prehensile.

They are known for their hissing and growling vocalizations when threatened.

Opossums are solitary creatures and may have overlapping home ranges with other opossums.

Their fur coloration varies, including shades of gray, brown, and black.

Opossums have a keen sense of smell and excellent hearing.

They are considered beneficial for controlling insect and rodent populations.

Opossums are not aggressive and are more likely to flee than confront a threat.

The tail of an opossum may lose fur if grabbed by a predator, allowing them to escape more easily.

Opossums are nomadic, covering large areas in search of food and suitable habitats.

They have 50 teeth, more than any other North American mammal.

Opossums are not vectors for rabies at the same rate as some other mammals.

They are immune to the venom of some snakes, including pit vipers.

Opossums are generalist feeders and can adapt to a variety of environments.

They are known to groom themselves frequently, similar to cats.

Opossums have a low body temperature, making them less susceptible to certain diseases.

They are excellent swimmers and may use waterways to travel and find food.

Opossums may carry their young on their back when they outgrow the pouch.

They are primarily solitary, but interactions may occur during the breeding season.

Opossums have a prehensile tail that is more muscular at the base, aiding in grasping objects.

They are often misunderstood and play a crucial role in ecosystem balance.