Walruses are large marine mammals.

They belong to the Odobenidae family.

Walruses are primarily found in the Arctic Ocean and subarctic seas.

There are two species of walruses: the Atlantic walrus and the Pacific walrus.

They have distinctive long tusks, which are elongated canine teeth.

Walruses use their tusks for various activities, including hauling themselves out of the water and creating breathing holes in ice.

Male walruses typically have larger tusks than females.

Walruses are known for their vocalizations, including bell-like calls and grunts.

They are social animals and can be found in large herds or haulouts.

Walruses spend a significant amount of time resting on sea ice or rocky shores.

Their bodies are well-adapted to cold environments, with a thick layer of blubber for insulation.

Walruses feed on a diet of benthic invertebrates, such as clams and worms.

They use their sensitive whiskers to detect prey in the underwater sediments.

Walruses are powerful swimmers and can cover long distances in search of food.

During the breeding season, males establish dominance through vocal displays and physical interactions.

Walrus calves are born on sea ice, and mothers provide care and protection.

They have a diverse range of behaviors, including flipper clapping and body hauling.

Walruses are hunted by polar bears and orcas as their main predators.

Humans have historically hunted walruses for their blubber, tusks, and meat.

Conservation efforts are in place to protect walrus populations and their habitats.

The scientific name for the walrus is Odobenus rosmarus.

They have a lifespan of about 40 years in the wild.

Walruses are known for their distinct whisker pads, called mystacial vibrissae.

They are capable of diving to depths of up to 330 feet in search of food.

Walruses are listed as vulnerable due to climate change impacting their sea ice habitat.

They can weigh up to 2,000 kilograms or more.

Walrus ivory, derived from their tusks, has been used by indigenous peoples for various purposes.

Walruses are excellent haul-out artists, using their flippers and tusks to pull themselves onto ice or land.

They are featured prominently in Inuit and Yupik folklore and art.

The Latin word ros in their scientific name means rake, referring to their feeding habits.

Walruses have a unique ability to inflate a throat sac for buoyancy and vocalizations.

They are known to rest in the water, floating with their bodies and tusks protruding.

The walrus population faces threats from climate change, oil and gas development, and shipping activities.

They have a specialized tongue with a unique structure called the lingual mass for efficient suction feeding.

Walruses are important indicators of the health of Arctic marine ecosystems.

Their tusks continue to grow throughout their lives and can reach lengths of over three feet.

Walruses use sea ice as platforms for resting, giving birth, and avoiding predators.