Tapirs are large herbivorous mammals with a distinctive trunk-like nose.

They belong to the Tapiridae family and are related to horses and rhinoceroses.

Tapirs have a rounded body, short legs, and a flexible proboscis-like snout.

They are found in various habitats, including jungles, grasslands, and forests.

Tapirs come in different species, including the Baird's tapir, Malayan tapir, and mountain tapir.

They are excellent swimmers and can submerge themselves to escape predators.

Tapirs are mainly nocturnal, being more active during the night.

They have a diverse diet, feeding on leaves, fruits, and aquatic vegetation.

Tapirs play a vital role in seed dispersal, helping maintain biodiversity in their ecosystems.

They are solitary animals, but some species may form small family groups.

Tapirs have a distinctive coat pattern, with a dark-colored front and a lighter back.

They are known for their excellent sense of smell and hearing.

Tapirs communicate through vocalizations, including whistles and squeaks.

They have a prehensile upper lip that aids in grasping leaves and fruits.

Tapirs have a gestation period of around 13 months, giving birth to a single calf.

They are vulnerable to habitat loss and hunting for their meat and hides.

Tapirs are classified as endangered or vulnerable, depending on the species.

They have a lifespan of around 25 to 30 years in the wild.

Tapirs are agile runners, capable of reaching speeds up to 30 miles per hour.

They use their proboscis-like snout to pluck vegetation and explore their surroundings.

Tapirs are known for their 'flehmen response,' curling their lips when detecting scents.

They have a relatively simple stomach compared to other herbivores.

Tapirs are essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems by shaping vegetation and aiding in nutrient cycling.

They are agile climbers and may navigate steep terrain to escape predators.

Tapirs may wallow in mud or water to cool down and protect themselves from insects.

They are known to make whistling and squeaking sounds to communicate with each other.

Tapirs are depicted in various myths and folklore in the regions where they are found.

They have a subungual gland on their feet, which produces a scent used for marking territory.

Tapirs are considered 'living fossils' due to their ancient evolutionary lineage.

They are excellent divers and can stay submerged for several minutes.

Tapirs have a keen sense of hearing, allowing them to detect approaching predators.

They are featured in conservation efforts to protect their declining populations.

Tapirs may create trails through dense vegetation, making it easier for them to move.

They contribute to the health of their habitats by dispersing seeds over wide areas.