Gerbils belong to the subfamily Gerbillinae.

They are small, burrowing rodents.

Gerbils are known for their long tails.

These rodents are social animals and enjoy companionship.

They originate from arid regions of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

Gerbils have a lifespan of about 2 to 4 years.

They are active and energetic creatures.

Gerbils have a keen sense of hearing.

Their fur can be various colors, including agouti, black, and white.

Gerbils are popular as pets due to their friendly nature.

They communicate using squeaks, thumps, and foot drumming.

Gerbils have a unique grooming behavior called sand bathing.

They are omnivores, consuming a diet of seeds, fruits, and insects.

Gerbils are excellent at jumping and climbing.

These rodents are known for their curious and explorative nature.

Gerbils build complex burrow systems in the wild.

They have large eyes to adapt to their nocturnal lifestyle.

Gerbils are territorial and may exhibit aggression if not introduced properly.

Breeding gerbils should be done responsibly to avoid overpopulation.

Female gerbils are called does, and males are called bucks.

Gerbils have a gestation period of around 24 days.

The average litter size is 4 to 6 pups.

Pups are born hairless and with closed eyes.

Gerbils are known for their rapid reproduction.

They are sensitive to high temperatures and should be kept in a cool environment.

Gerbils have a unique hind leg stance, often standing on their hind legs to survey their surroundings.

Chewing is essential for gerbils to keep their teeth healthy.

Gerbils can be taught tricks and respond well to positive reinforcement.

They are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk.

Gerbils are not solitary animals and thrive in pairs or groups.

The Mongolian gerbil is one of the most commonly kept as a pet.

Gerbils have a fast heart rate, ranging from 300 to 500 beats per minute.

They have a well-developed sense of smell.

Gerbils are known to stash food in their burrows for later consumption.

They are relatively clean animals and groom themselves regularly.

Gerbils have a unique way of marking their territory using scent glands on their bellies.