Vipers are venomous snakes belonging to the family Viperidae.

They are found in various habitats worldwide, excluding Antarctica, Australia, and some islands.

Vipers are known for their hollow, retractable fangs used for injecting venom.

They have a triangular-shaped head and a relatively stout body.

Vipers come in various sizes, from small species to large pit vipers.

They are ambush predators, relying on camouflage and stealth for hunting.

Vipers have heat-sensing pits on their heads to detect prey and predators.

They are mainly nocturnal, but some species are active during the day.

Vipers feed on a variety of prey, including rodents, birds, and other small animals.

They are characterized by their keeled scales, giving them a rough appearance.

Vipers give birth to live young, a method known as ovoviviparity.

Young vipers are independent at birth and possess venom for hunting.

They play a crucial role in controlling rodent populations in their ecosystems.

Vipers shed their skin periodically to accommodate growth.

They are well adapted to different environments, including deserts, forests, and grasslands.

Vipers are equipped with powerful muscles for striking and constricting prey.

They use venom to immobilize and digest their prey before consumption.

Vipers can control the amount of venom injected, depending on the situation.

Venom composition varies among species, with some being highly potent to humans.

Vipers are often associated with folklore and mythology due to their dangerous reputation.

They have a distinctive, menacing appearance, which varies among species.

Vipers may use a series of strikes to subdue large prey.

Some vipers exhibit defensive behaviors, such as hissing and coiling, when threatened.

They are known for their cryptic coloration, providing effective camouflage.

Vipers may hibernate during colder seasons to conserve energy.

They are skilled climbers and may ascend trees or rocky surfaces.

Vipers are important in maintaining ecological balance through predation.

They are susceptible to habitat loss, pollution, and persecution by humans.

Vipers have specialized venom glands that produce and store venom.

They are often distinguished from non-venomous snakes by their triangular heads.

Vipers have a unique sensory system that helps them detect vibrations in the ground.

They have a lifespan that varies among species, ranging from several years to decades.

Vipers are a diverse group with many species exhibiting specific adaptations to their environments.