Porcupines are rodents known for their sharp quills.

They belong to the family Erethizontidae.

Porcupines are found in various parts of the world, including the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

They have specialized, sharp spines or quills that cover their bodies.

Porcupines use their quills for defense against predators.

Quills are modified hairs with barbed tips that stick into the skin of predators.

Porcupines are primarily nocturnal, being most active during the night.

They are herbivores, feeding on a diet of bark, leaves, and vegetation.

Porcupines are excellent climbers and spend time in trees to forage for food.

Some species of porcupines are skilled swimmers.

Porcupines have a relatively slow movement on the ground.

They are known for their vocalizations, including grunts, whines, and screams.

Porcupines have a strong sense of smell and hearing.

Females give birth to one or two offspring at a time.

Porcupine babies are called porcupettes.

Quills harden a few hours after birth, allowing porcupettes to defend themselves.

Porcupines may eat bones or antlers to obtain minerals like calcium and phosphorus.

They have a diverse diet that includes both woody and succulent plants.

Porcupines may gnaw on human structures, such as buildings, to obtain salt.

They are known to chew on items to maintain the health of their constantly growing teeth.

Porcupines are solitary animals and are territorial in nature.

Predators of porcupines include cougars, bobcats, and fishers.

Porcupines are not aggressive but will defend themselves when threatened.

Contrary to myth, porcupines cannot shoot their quills but can detach them easily.

The North American porcupine is the largest porcupine species.

Porcupines are excellent tree climbers due to their strong claws and prehensile tail.

Porcupine quills are covered in microscopic backward-facing barbs.

Porcupines may communicate with each other through low grunts and whines.

The word 'porcupine' comes from the Latin words 'porcus' (pig) and 'spina' (thorn).

Porcupines may live up to 20 years in the wild.

They are known to gnaw on bones to obtain nutrients like calcium.

Porcupines are considered symbols of innocence in some Native American cultures.