Aardvarks are nocturnal mammals native to Africa.

They belong to the order Tubulidentata and are the only living species in this order.

Aardvarks have a distinctive appearance with a long snout, large ears, and a tubular tongue.

Their name comes from the Afrikaans language and means 'earth pig.'

Aardvarks are well-adapted for digging, with strong limbs and shovel-like claws.

They primarily feed on ants and termites using their long, sticky tongue.

Aardvarks have a keen sense of smell, aiding them in locating insect nests.

Despite their appearance, aardvarks are not related to pigs and belong to a unique mammalian order.

They are solitary animals and are generally shy and elusive.

Aardvarks have a thick skin that protects them from ant and termite bites.

The aardvark's tongue can extend up to 30 centimeters (12 inches) and is covered in sticky saliva.

They are excellent diggers, capable of creating burrows to rest and escape predators.

Aardvarks are found in a range of habitats, including grasslands, savannas, and forests.

They are known to be strong swimmers and can cross rivers and streams.

Aardvarks have a gestation period of about seven months.

Female aardvarks usually give birth to a single cub, which stays in the burrow for several weeks.

Aardvarks are capable of making grunting and snorting sounds.

They are primarily active during the night, avoiding the heat of the day.

Aardvarks are not social animals but may share burrows with others occasionally.

Their main predators include lions, leopards, and hyenas.

Aardvarks have a relatively long lifespan, often living up to 20 years in captivity.

They have a unique dentition with continuously growing teeth, lacking enamel.

Aardvarks are known for their strong sense of hearing, allowing them to detect predators.

They play a vital role in controlling insect populations, contributing to ecosystem balance.

The aardvark's burrows provide shelter for various other animals, including snakes and small mammals.

They are listed as a species of 'Least Concern' in terms of conservation status.

Aardvarks are often difficult to spot in the wild due to their nocturnal and elusive behavior.

Their nostrils can be sealed shut to prevent soil from entering while digging.

Aardvarks use their strong claws to break into termite mounds and ant nests.

Their eyesight is relatively poor, and they rely more on their other senses for navigation.

Aardvarks have a long, bushy tail that helps them maintain balance while digging.

Their body is well-suited for energy conservation, with a low metabolic rate.

Aardvarks are known to mark their territories with secretions from specialized glands.

They are sometimes referred to as 'antbears' due to their diet of ants and termites.