Orangutans are great apes.

They are native to the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra.

Orangutans are arboreal, spending most of their time in trees.

Adult male orangutans can weigh up to 200 pounds.

Orangutans have distinctive long, red or orange hair.

They are the most solitary of the great apes.

Orangutans have a large arm span, up to 7 feet.

Their diet consists mainly of fruits, leaves, and bark.

Females give birth only once every 8 years on average.

Orangutans are known for their intelligence.

They build nests in trees for sleeping.

Orangutans are endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.

They have a slow reproductive rate, contributing to their vulnerability.

Orangutans are closely related to humans, sharing about 97% of their DNA.

There are three species of orangutans: Bornean, Sumatran, and Tapanuli.

Infant orangutans stay with their mothers for several years.

Orangutans are capable of using tools in the wild.

They have a lifespan of around 30 to 40 years in the wild.

Orangutans are highly adapted to their forest environment.

Their long arms help them move effortlessly through trees.

Orangutans are excellent climbers.

They communicate through vocalizations, such as grunts and roars.

Orangutans have a large, bulky body with a potbelly appearance.

Climate change poses a threat to orangutans and their habitats.

Orangutans play a crucial role in seed dispersal in their ecosystems.

They have a unique throat pouch called a laryngeal sac.

Orangutans are primarily diurnal, active during the day.

Females have a cheek pad, which males develop as they age.

Orangutans are considered umbrella species, meaning their conservation benefits other species.

They are capable swimmers and may cross rivers in their habitats.

Orangutans have strong maternal bonds with their offspring.

Poaching for the illegal pet trade is a significant threat to orangutans.

Conservation efforts aim to protect and restore orangutan habitats.

Orangutans have a slow metabolism compared to other primates.

They are known to use leaves as makeshift umbrellas during rain.

Orangutans exhibit a wide range of facial expressions for communication.