Hamsters are small rodents often kept as pets.

They belong to the subfamily Cricetinae.

Hamsters are native to Syria and surrounding regions.

These rodents have a short tail and stout body.

Hamsters are nocturnal, being more active during the night.

They have large cheek pouches for storing food.

Hamsters have a lifespan of about 2 to 3 years.

They come in various coat colors and patterns.

Hamsters are solitary animals and should be housed alone.

These rodents communicate using scent glands and vocalizations.

Hamsters are omnivores, eating a diet of seeds, fruits, and insects.

They have a strong nesting instinct, creating cozy burrows.

Hamsters are prolific breeders, with short gestation periods.

Pups are born blind, hairless, and helpless.

Hamsters need a balanced diet to prevent health issues.

They are known for their hoarding behavior, storing food in their nests.

Hamsters have a keen sense of hearing and smell.

They are sensitive to high temperatures and should be kept cool.

Hamsters exhibit a behavior called 'chinning' to mark their territory.

They have continuously growing incisor teeth that need to be worn down.

Hamsters enjoy a variety of toys and activities for mental stimulation.

They are skilled climbers and may escape if enclosures are not secure.

Hamsters can run long distances on a wheel for exercise.

They are crepuscular, active during dawn and dusk.

Hamsters have a pouch on each side of their face for carrying food.

They are relatively easy to care for as pets.

Hamsters groom themselves regularly, keeping their fur clean.

They may hibernate in response to cold temperatures.

Hamsters are not suitable for young children due to their delicate nature.

They can become tame with gentle and consistent handling.

Hamsters may bite if they feel threatened or stressed.

They are territorial and may show aggression if housed together.

Hamsters have scent glands on their hips for marking their territory.

They are susceptible to various health issues, including dental problems.

Hamsters have a distinctive odor, which can be reduced with proper hygiene.