Geckos are small to medium-sized lizards known for their unique vocalizations.

They belong to the Gekkonidae family, which includes over 1,600 species.

Geckos are found in various habitats, from rainforests to deserts.

They have specialized toe pads with microscopic hairs called setae for climbing vertical surfaces.

Geckos are capable of producing a wide range of vocalizations, including clicks and chirps.

Some species of geckos can change color to match their surroundings.

They are nocturnal creatures, active during the night.

Geckos are insectivores, feeding on a diet of insects and other small invertebrates.

Certain species of geckos, like the tokay gecko, are known for their vibrant and striking colors.

Geckos can detach their tails as a defense mechanism, a process known as autotomy.

They communicate using visual signals, vocalizations, and body language.

Geckos are capable of walking upside down on smooth surfaces due to their adhesive toe pads.

Some species of geckos, such as the leopard gecko, are popular as pets.

They have excellent vision, allowing them to navigate in low-light conditions.

Geckos are distributed worldwide, with the majority found in tropical regions.

Certain species of geckos, like the flying gecko, have specialized skin flaps that allow them to glide short distances.

They have a unique ability to lick their own eyes to keep them clean and moist.

Geckos have a lifespan that varies among species, with some living up to 10 years or more.

Certain gecko species, like the electric blue gecko, are known for their stunning coloration.

They shed their skin periodically to accommodate growth.

Geckos are well adapted to arid environments and can obtain water from their prey.

Certain species of geckos, like the helmeted gecko, have spiky protrusions on their bodies for protection.

They are generally small in size, but some species can reach lengths of over a foot.

Geckos have a keen sense of hearing, detecting sounds and vibrations in their environment.

Certain gecko species, like the Madagascar day gecko, are diurnal and active during the day.

They are known for their agility and swift movements.

Geckos are an ancient group of lizards, with a lineage dating back millions of years.

Certain species of geckos, like the leaf-tailed gecko, have remarkable camouflage abilities.

They are oviparous, laying eggs in secluded locations for protection.

Geckos have a diverse range of reproductive strategies among different species.

Certain gecko species, like the crested gecko, lack adhesive toe pads but are arboreal climbers.

They are an important part of many ecosystems, contributing to insect population control.