Rabbits are small mammals.

They belong to the family Leporidae.

There are more than 30 species of rabbits worldwide.

Rabbits are known for their long ears.

Their teeth never stop growing.

Rabbits are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk.

They have a strong sense of smell.

Rabbits are social animals and often live in groups.

A group of rabbits is called a herd.

Rabbits have a unique digestive system called hindgut fermentation.

They are prolific breeders.

A baby rabbit is called a kit.

Rabbits have a lifespan of about 8 to 12 years.

They can run at speeds of up to 35 mph.

Rabbits have a specialized upper lip called a cleft lip.

They are herbivores, primarily eating grass and leafy greens.

Rabbits are prey animals in the wild.

They communicate through body language.

Rabbits thump their hind legs to warn others of danger.

They have a keen sense of hearing.

Rabbits groom themselves regularly.

They are known for their agility and hopping abilities.

Rabbits have a 360-degree field of vision.

They molt and shed fur regularly.

Rabbits were domesticated around the 5th century.

They are commonly kept as pets worldwide.

Rabbits come in various colors and patterns.

They have a unique digestive behavior called cecotrophy.

Rabbits are often associated with symbols of fertility.

They can be litter-trained.

Rabbits are prone to dental problems, and hay is crucial for dental health.

They are sensitive to high temperatures.

Rabbits are known to binky, a joyful leap and twist in the air.

They have a scent gland under their chin for marking territory.

Rabbits are featured in folklore and mythology across cultures.

They have a soft and dense coat of fur.

Rabbits can suffer from loneliness and need social interaction.

They are susceptible to certain diseases like myxomatosis.

Rabbits make various vocalizations, including purring and honking.