Narwhals are marine mammals and a species of toothed whale.

They are known for their long, spiral tusks that can extend up to 10 feet.

Narwhals belong to the Monodontidae family.

These whales inhabit Arctic waters and are often associated with sea ice.

Narwhals have mottled grayish-brown bodies that help them blend in with their icy surroundings.

They have a small dorsal fin and lack a true dorsal ridge.

Narwhals feed on fish, squid, and shrimp in Arctic waters.

They use their long tusks to stun fish before capturing them.

Narwhals can dive to depths of around 1,500 meters.

They are social animals and often travel in groups called pods.

Narwhals communicate using clicks, whistles, and other vocalizations.

The narwhal tusk is actually an elongated tooth, and only males typically have them.

The function of the narwhal tusk is not fully understood but may play a role in mating rituals.

Narwhals have a thick layer of blubber to insulate them from the cold Arctic waters.

They are adapted to live in extreme cold and can navigate through narrow channels in sea ice.

Narwhals migrate over large distances, moving between open water and ice-covered areas.

They have a lifespan of around 50 to 60 years.

Narwhals are known for their unique 'unicorn of the sea' nickname.

The narwhal tusk was historically believed to be the horn of the mythical unicorn.

Narwhals are preyed upon by killer whales and polar bears.

The narwhal population is not well-known due to their remote and inaccessible habitats.

They are hunted by indigenous peoples for their meat and tusks.

Narwhals may become trapped in sea ice, limiting their access to breathing holes.

Climate change poses a threat to narwhals as it affects sea ice and their habitat.

Narwhals undertake long migrations, following the movement of sea ice.

The narwhal tusk is sensitive and contains nerve endings, potentially aiding in navigation.

Narwhals are important to Inuit culture, providing food, tools, and materials.

They are known to use their tusks to break breathing holes in ice.

Narwhals are known to exhibit 'tusking' behavior, where males cross tusks in a friendly manner.

They have a specialized diet, mainly consisting of Arctic cod and squid.

Narwhals are known for their elusive behavior, making them challenging to study in the wild.

They are protected by international agreements to manage hunting and conservation.

Narwhals play a role in Arctic ecosystems, influencing the distribution of prey species.