Sloths are arboreal mammals known for their slow movements.

They belong to the suborder Folivora.

Sloths have a low metabolic rate and move at a maximum speed of 0.24 km/h.

These mammals spend most of their lives hanging upside down in trees.

Sloths have long, curved claws for gripping onto branches.

They are herbivores, primarily feeding on leaves and buds.

Sloths have a specialized stomach to aid in the digestion of their tough diet.

They are found in Central and South America.

Sloths have a unique set of vertebrae that allow them to rotate their heads 270 degrees.

They are excellent swimmers and can cross bodies of water with ease.

Sloths come down from trees once a week to defecate on the ground.

They have a greenish tint on their fur due to algae that grow on them.

Sloths have a gestation period of about 6 months.

They give birth to a single offspring at a time.

Sloths are primarily nocturnal, being more active at night.

They may sleep up to 15-20 hours a day.

Sloths have a small brain size relative to their body.

They have an extra neck vertebra that allows them to turn their heads further.

Sloths have a slow metabolism, and their body temperature can fluctuate.

They may use their sharp claws for self-defense against predators.

Sloths communicate through a range of vocalizations, including whistles and hisses.

They have a short, stubby tail.

Sloths have poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell.

They may host a diverse range of insects in their fur, creating a mini-ecosystem.

Sloths are solitary animals and may come together only for mating.

They face threats from habitat loss and human activities.

Sloths move by dragging themselves along branches using their forelimbs.

They have an unusually low body temperature for a mammal.

Sloths may adopt a defensive posture when threatened, resembling a ball of fur.

They have a lifespan of around 20 years in the wild.

Sloths have specialized muscles that allow them to hang effortlessly from branches.

They have a slow digestion process that can take up to a month for a single meal.

Sloths have grooved fur that helps water flow away during rain.

They are excellent camouflagers, blending into the tree canopy.

Sloths are crucial for maintaining the balance of the rainforest ecosystem.

They are often associated with a calm and relaxed demeanor.

Sloths have unique facial features, including a small, button-like nose.