Snails are gastropod mollusks with a coiled shell.

They move by gliding on a single muscular foot.

The shell is secreted by the mantle, a specialized tissue.

There are both land and aquatic snail species.

Snails belong to the class Gastropoda.

They have a distinct head with eyes and tentacles.

Snails are herbivores, feeding on plants, algae, and fungi.

Some species are omnivores, consuming small animals and carrion.

Snails are important decomposers in ecosystems.

They are known for their slow, deliberate movement.

Snails retreat into their shells for protection.

The radula is a unique feeding structure in snails.

Snails are capable of regenerating their tentacles and parts of the foot.

Some species of snails are considered pests in agriculture.

Land snails leave a slime trail as they move.

Snails are sequential hermaphrodites, having both male and female reproductive organs.

Reproduction involves copulation and the exchange of sperm.

Eggs are usually laid in a gelatinous mass in a hidden location.

The Roman Snail (Helix pomatia) is a popular edible snail species.

Certain snail species aestivate during dry or unfavorable conditions.

Snails are an ancient group, with a fossil record dating back to the late Cambrian.

They are sensitive to changes in environmental conditions.

Land snails hibernate during cold temperatures to conserve energy.

Some snails have adapted to life in deserts, where moisture is scarce.

Snails have a primitive circulatory system with an open hemocoel.

They play a role in soil aeration and nutrient cycling.

Certain snail species are kept as pets in the hobbyist community.

The Giant African Snail (Achatina fulica) is one of the largest land snail species.

Snails have been used in traditional medicine for various purposes.

Snail slime is a popular ingredient in some skincare products.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect endangered snail species.